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Consistency and Discipline Over Motivation: The True Formula for Success

fitness lifetsyle mindset September 20, 2024

When it comes to achieving our fitness goals or building healthier habits, there's one question I hear all the time: “How do you stay motivated?”

Let me be real with you right now—motivation alone is not what gets you to the finish line. Motivation is fleeting. It’s that spark of excitement or energy you feel when you first start something new, just like a candle, it can flicker and die out when life gets tough.

The true game changers are consistency and discipline. Those are the tools that will carry you through the rough days, past the plateaus, and onto success.

In this blog post, we’re going to dive deep into why action precedes motivation, how consistency builds discipline, and why waiting for inspiration is a recipe for delay. By the end, you’ll be ready to flip the script on how you approach your goals. Let’s get into it!

Action Precedes Motivation

We often think that we need to feel motivated before we can take action. That’s a huge misconception. It’s actually the other way around—action leads to motivation. You have to start doing the work first, and as you begin to see results and feel the progress, the motivation will come. This is a principle I talk about in my book It Takes Grit, and it’s something I live by.

Think about it like this: Let’s say you’re starting a workout routine. At first, it’s hard. Your muscles ache, you’re out of breath, and you start to wonder why you ever began. Then, a few weeks in, you start noticing small changes. Maybe your jeans fit a little better, or you’re lifting heavier weights.

That’s when the motivation kicks in. You want to keep going because you’re seeing results. Those results only come because you took action first.

Check out this amazing podcast on Rise, Grind, and Repeat: The Power of Daily DisciplineWe're breaking down how daily discipline is the secret sauce to crushing your goals and reaching that next level of success.

Consistency Builds Discipline

Consistency is your best friend when it comes to achieving goals. It’s the daily grind, showing up even when you don’t feel like it. One of the things I emphasize in my BURN App and my fitness programs is breaking down goals into 30-day challenges. Why? Because it's not about doing something huge all at once. It’s about those small, daily steps that add up over time. Consistency is the glue that holds it all together.

Discipline is what you build through that consistent action. You become someone who shows up, no matter what. It becomes part of your identity. People often confuse discipline with willpower, as they are very different. Willpower is finite—it fades the more you use it. However, discipline is a habit. It’s a muscle you build. The more you practice it, the easier it becomes to stay on track.

I’ve had my fair share of days where I didn’t feel like working out, writing, or even eating healthy. The thing that got me through was the discipline I’ve built over time. I know that if I push through, tomorrow will be easier, and I’ll thank myself later.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait for Inspiration

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say they’re waiting for the “right moment” to start. Let me tell you something: that “perfect moment” doesn’t exist. Life is always going to throw obstacles in your path. You’ll never wake up one day with a magical burst of inspiration that carries you through to your goals without any struggle. And that’s okay! You don’t need inspiration to take action.

What you need is a plan and the determination to follow through, whether you feel like it or not. Here’s a secret: The days you don’t feel like doing the work are the most important days to show up. That’s where the magic happens. That’s when you build resilience and strength.

The next time you don’t feel like getting out of bed for your workout, remind yourself that this is the moment that counts. If you can get through this, you can get through anything.

One of my favorite sayings is, “Everyone wants to be successful until they see what it takes.” If you’re always waiting to feel inspired or motivated, you’ll be waiting forever. On the other hand, if you get up, show up, and do the work, no matter what, success will find you.

Read this blog on Close Connections: How Your Squad Influences Your Success. Know why surrounding yourself with the right crew is not just nice to have, it’s a must-have for smashing your goals.

Overcoming Plateaus with Action

There’s nothing more frustrating than hitting a plateau. You’re putting in the work, the results just aren’t coming anymore. This is where most people give up. Plateaus are just part of the journey. The key to overcoming them is to stick to the plan, trust the process, and keep taking action. Progress isn’t always linear. As long as you’re consistent and disciplined, you will break through.

Here’s where mindset plays a huge role. When you hit a plateau, it’s easy to start doubting yourself. You think, “Maybe this isn’t working. Maybe I should quit.” That’s just your brain looking for an easy way out. If you push through that mental barrier, you’ll come out the other side stronger than ever.

In my It Takes Grit book, I talk about how grit is that burning desire inside of you to keep going, no matter how tough things get. It’s not about being perfect or always feeling good. It’s about pushing through when the going gets tough. And trust me, everyone hits tough spots. The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is simple: the successful ones kept going.

How to Stay Consistent

So, how do you stay consistent when life gets in the way? Here are some tips to keep you on track:

  1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals: Break down big goals into smaller, actionable steps. This is the foundation of my BURN Method. Every 30-day challenge helps you see progress in smaller increments, making long-term goals feel much less daunting.
  2. Create a Routine: Whether it’s a workout, meal prep, or meditation, having a routine will help you stick to your plan. The more automatic the behavior, the less mental energy it takes to keep going.
  3. Celebrate Small Wins: Every time you complete a workout, choose a healthier meal, or push through a tough day, celebrate it. Those small victories are what fuel your discipline and keep you going.
  4. Surround Yourself with Support: Having a community that encourages you can make all the difference. This is why I created the BURN Community—to give you a space where people lift you up, share their struggles, and celebrate their wins together.
  5. Remember Your ‘Why’: On the tough days, remind yourself why you started. Whether it’s to be a role model for your kids, feel confident in your skin, or improve your health—your ‘why’ is what will pull you through.

Discipline Leads to Long-Term Success

The truth is, discipline outlasts motivation every time. Motivation might get you started, whereas discipline is what keeps you moving. The more consistent you are, the more progress you’ll see, and the more motivated you’ll feel to keep going. It’s a cycle—it starts with discipline.

At the end of the day, success is about taking action, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s about showing up for yourself day in and day out. Consistency is the bridge between your goals and your results, and discipline is what gets you across that bridge.

So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step. You don’t need to feel motivated to start—just start, and the motivation will follow.

Your journey to success, whether it’s in fitness, health, or any other area of life, isn’t about being perfect. It’s about showing up consistently, building discipline, and taking action, even on the days when you don’t feel like it. When you rely on consistency and discipline over motivation, you set yourself up for long-term success.

Remember, motivation will come and go. However, discipline will carry you through. The next time you’re waiting for inspiration, just take that first step. Because action precedes motivation, and that’s where the magic happens.

Let’s do this, together! You’ve got everything you need within you to make your goals a reality. It’s time to dig deep, stay consistent, and watch how your life transforms. You’ve got this!


Rebecca Louise